Port micromax A069 Bold to Nexian Helios Mi531

Assalamu alaikum wr wb

Setelah beberapa saat fakum ni akhirnya bs ngport rom lg buat ni nexi... Heheee
Alahamdullah kmrn ad rejeki, ane beli lg deh ni nexi, ok lah lgsung yee..
Ni buat nexian helios yg udah kitkat hlo y, msh jb mohon di up dl, & 1 lg, tombol recent app bukan di hold tombol home hlo y, tp di hold tombol opti / pilihan, smping kiri tmbol home..

Ni linkY https://mega.co.nz/#!5dslTIhQ!W2RK3rQhBuC7u-ca1cU1YCah3SBuFRg_aUvR1NVVi9w

Ni SsY

Wes ngnu wae,



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