Collection of kernel miui Nougat for kenzo

Assalamu alaikum wr wb

I only share some of the kernel Miui N sets for Kenzo. I have tested & all work. Some links are keep original. And I apologize to the kernel developer that I can't name because I don't know.
And I've modified some kernels.

-Escrima X17 (Format img)

-Escrima X23 (Format img)

-EscrimaX25 ori (Format img)

-EscrimaX25 Mod (Format img) (Support spectrum, DT2W, include shadow.rc).

-Escrima X26 (Format img)
By Pzqqt

-Escrima X26 Mod (Update) (Format img) ( Support spectrum, DT2W)

-Radon 6.3 (Format img)

-Badjingan ANJG (Format zip)

-Badjingan-BGST (Format img)
Dev : BadjinganGuy

-Agni 13.3 (Format zip)
Owner : parvinder Singh

-Agni 13.4 (Format zip)
-Agni 13.5 (Format zip)
-Agni 13.6 (Format zip)
By Parvinder

-Agni 13.7 (Format img) Support DT2W.
By : Parvinder

Agni 13.8 (Format Zip)
By : Parvinder

New Agni 13.8 (Format Zip)
By Parvinder

For other version u can searching on XDA.

-Shadow v4.7 (Format img) (Support spectrum, DT2W)

-Shadow 4.7 v.2 (Format img) (Support Spectrum, DT2W, UV, With Jack audio fix, Fast Charging).

-Guyver v3.8.1 (Format Zip)

-Xceed Kernel (Format Zip)
Dev : Epic Team

-Nitrogen (Format Zip)
Epic Team

-Darkness (Format Zip)
Epic Team

-Elemental X (Format Zip)
Epic Team

Jack Fixed Kernel (Format Zip)
Thanks to Amol Amrit & Amog

Kernel botleg WhoLetTheDog (Format img) Support Dt2w
Thank to Amog

Xceed Prod-Bld4 (Format img)
Xceed Prod Bld6 (Format img)
Dev : Kairi_zeroblade on XDA

Darkness-Remix_New (Format Img) Support Dt2w

Candy Kernel (Format Img) Port from Havoc Kernel.
Thanks to Pratik Pithore

Lineageos-arrow Kernel (Format Img) Port from arrow os.
Thanks to Amitava

Alicization_Kenzo_V1 (Format Zip)
Cr : Dody Irawan

Jaran Goyang Kernel (Format img)
Dev : BadjinganGay :v

GLS Kernel (Format img)
Thnks to : Vickry Similikiti Welleh-Welleh


Kernel+M1-v0.9.7_zram+zswap (Format img)

Update 28/03/19
kernel M1-v0.9.9.3_hotplug_zram_miui_nougat

Kernel M1 v0.9.9.3_gaming_edition_zram_miui_nougat

Kernel Patch z5

Dev : felix3000

Franco Kernel (Format img)
Dev : FranciscoFranco on XDA

PureKernel-RN3-v4.0.2 (Format img)
Dev : Demon_sss

Escrima X27
Thnks to Amol Amrit

Update 03/04/18
Dev :Felix3000

Update 16/04/19
Shadow 4.7 Nohotplug (Format img)

Update 30/04/19
Franco Kernel r16 Unofficial (Format img)

Franco Kernel r16 Unofficial V2 (Format img) Support spectrum.

Dev: Christo Paul

Franco kernel r16 v2

Update 13/05/19
PKi Kernel (Format img)

Dev: BadjinganGay

Update 15/05/19
Bobs&Vegana Kernel
Bobs&Vegana With Dt2w Include Shadow.rc & Support Spectrum
Port From Carbon CR. 7.0

Dev: Rocknibba69

Update 05/06/19
Franco kernel r16_v3(Format img)
Dev: Christo Paul

Update 08/06/19
Xceed_bld7 (Format img)
Xceed Module

Dev: Kairi_zeroblade

Nemesis_Kernel (Format img)
Dev: Christo Paul

Update 19/06/19
Shadow Kenzo Miui N
Dev: Felix3000

Unavailable Kernel Miui N (Format img)
Port From ColtOS 4.3 Enigma
Dev: BadjinganGuy

Update 20/07/19
New GLS (Format img)

For more performance
Add this line on your build.prop

# Userspace LMKD

Special thanks to badjingan Gay / @Menteri perhubungan

Update 23/08/19
Escrima X28 Miui N (img)
Escrima X28 Old jackfix (img)
Dev: Amol Amrit

Flash via TWRP

Boot_clean_script (Flash this first before flash kernel format zip)

For img format just flash with any Twrp, pick Boot.
Zip format (Read NB part)

If any update kernel update i'll adding at above 

Nb: Hati-hati saat install yg format Zip. Biasakan flash magisk uninstaller / flash boot clean script. / Ramdisk Cleaner etc etc..
Biasanya saya pake pondasi /Basic escrima saat install kernel format zip. Pengalaman install kernel dari shadow ke Agni format zip kena encrypt + + Dari agni ke elemental X  gak maau booting. Etc etc blah blah blah. XD So be careful.



  1. could you add agni kernel’cpu governor such as darkness/cultivation/interactive-wingoku_battsave to Jaran Goyang Kernel ot GLS?

  2. i test all kernel you collected here, foud Jaran Goyang Kernel & GLS are two best kernel

  3. Namanya kayak tokoh jipang panolan master

  4. in build ROS-MIUI 9.3.21 By,have the best camera photo take speed and quality,ituse x25 mod by Aradhea。but can not used on your build MiuiPro_Evolution_Nougat_8.12.23_V2,please check and port for 8.12.23_V2,i like this build for its features

    1. X25 by anatoli. Only work with Bp ~

    2. editbuild.prop and add hydrogen.xml to system/etc/devices feature, camera now good,but missing faceunlock option after thus change. how to fix?

  5. shadows v4 have wifi issue:when turn on wifi on QS title system reboot and after reboot wifi hold off

  6. Yang support fast charging mana ajah pak?

  7. Unavailable Kernel Miui N & Bobs&Vegana With Dt2w Include Shadow.rc & Support Spectrum ofen reboot here&there

  8. Bang, ada gak kernel 6.3 radon miui yg support old jack fix?


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