Port Rom Lenovo A319 For Nexian Helios Mi531

Assalamu 'alaikum wr wb

Fitures :

-Rom Android 4.4.2
-Gapps include
-New Interface massenging & contacts
-Like vibe ui
-Many moreeeeeeeeeeee....

Link Here

Installation Procedure:

1.Copy the file to ur sd card.
2.Then go to recovery.
3.Then wipe data/factory, wipe cache partition.
4.Do wipe dalvik cache.
5.Now click instal zip fr sdcard & than select Zip File
6.Wait there and it will get installed.

Klw ada yg mau ngport ke device lain, sbgai pngeport yg baik cantumkan pemilik rom, alangkah lebih baiknya lagi minta izin, tapi kembali kembali ke pribadi masing2 ding,,, Heheheh

Terima kasih untuk
Gusti Allah Swt
Nabi Muhammad Saw
All mamber Unofficial NEXIAN mi531 HELIOS



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