Miui-CAF Global Stable Redmi Note 5 (Whyred)

Assalamu alaikum wr wb

πŸ†• New Update available for Redmi Note 5 Pro (Whyred)

πŸ’¬ ROM Name: Miui-CAF Global Stable

πŸ‘€ Developer: Gerimis
β„Ή️ MIUI Version: MIUI 11
β„Ή️ Android Version: Pie 9.0
πŸ“† Build date: 20/12/2019
πŸ“‚ File Size: 1.4 GB
#️⃣ Status: Free

πŸ†‘ Changelog:

*Added Miui-CAF interface
*Added icon arrangement (Left style, New style, Aosp)
*Added vertical icon network for dual SIM
*Added shake gestures
*Added system animations
*Added gesture on The desktop( Double tap, Swipe up)
*Added advance reboot menu
*Added other  shitt on this Rom
*Cam2api enabled by default
*Optimization system files of ROM
*Patching theme manager, Can apply fr third party themes
*Remove some unneeded system applications
*Root using magisk 19.3

πŸ“Œ Additional Info:

* Based on Miui 11 Global Stable

πŸ“– How To Install:

1. Reboot to TWRP
2. Wipe (Clean Flash: System, Data, Dalvik/Cache, Cust, Vendor)
3. Flash ROM
4. Reboot to System
5. Done. Enjoy!

πŸ“ Notes:

*Clean flash ya zayenk
*Grab driver aman komandan
*If need ambient display & other themes manager just flash the patch
*If the link is limit, bypass then
*Support transparent wallpapers if use theme manager CN
*Please read all carefully, follow the installation instructions & procedure before report a bugs
*If you like use it, IF NOT LEAVE IT
*Dont PM dev for any reason

🎁 Credit:

*To all members who have given donations, so I can be excited & can update the weekly ROM (user quota bukan wifi user)
*All the masters, suhu, mastah2 that I cannot mention individually, but still I put in the contributors ROM

🍺 Donate:

If You Like My Work:

* Pulsa: 081228931504
* OVO: 081228931504
* PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/Gerimiss

⬇️ Download Link:  Gdrive | Mega

#miui #miuicaf #pie #whyred

@GerimisROMGroup | @GerimisROMChannel

Thanks Wassalam


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