Miui-CAF V.8 Redmi Note 3 Pro
Assalamu alaikum wr wb
-Added QS tile reboot UI (Use this if Fingerprint Scanner Stoping Working) thnks to atharv
-Added UI & Settings Style
-Added New Weather Style
-Added Feedback
-Added Multitasking Speed
-Fixed Pubg When Login Recompile Resourch
-Fixed Sound Recorder
-Change Theme Manger To Stable Version
-Change Fonts To Default
-Change Gboard to Xboard
-Use Escrima X28
Review https://youtu.be/Wjg_WCnlvI8
Link ROM
If need:
Theme Manager Transparent (install apk manually / push to system)
-Added QS tile reboot UI (Use this if Fingerprint Scanner Stoping Working) thnks to atharv
-Added UI & Settings Style
-Added New Weather Style
-Added Feedback
-Added Multitasking Speed
-Fixed Pubg When Login Recompile Resourch
-Fixed Sound Recorder
-Change Theme Manger To Stable Version
-Change Fonts To Default
-Change Gboard to Xboard
-Use Escrima X28
Review https://youtu.be/Wjg_WCnlvI8
Link ROM
If need:
Theme Manager Transparent (install apk manually / push to system)
I need this rom 😢
BalasHapusWish more powerful than caf 7, please show me the link. Txs
BalasHapusYes caf7 too many lags, can u fix it? Txs master.
BalasHapusFinally i got Miui-CAF V.8 Thanks pzzzt
BalasHapusHow you got this rom??if you have link pls send
HapusPzzzt not giving link sending pm to telegram but no response from.him.
Very nice Rom speed multitasking. Txs
BalasHapusUrwellcome sirr
HapusMake a video about this rom and please send the link
BalasHapusAdded review on youtube, please check
HapusRam manager 2gb
BalasHapusHow to get link ?
BalasHapusWhen i tap on link rom there is no rom link ad page open
Thank you, but the link doesn't work.
BalasHapus@All : The rom release on september..
BalasHapusJust wait
For all guys, just be patient and calm. Maybe it still have test for to up the better performance of this Rom. Thx.
BalasHapusI beleave this Rom is very nice and smooth, beside Have the speed multitasking.
BalasHapusPlzz add the edge effects
BalasHapusEdge effects good thing
BalasHapusTanggal berapa di rilis gan?
BalasHapusUdh release
Hapusdi ss kok android pie tp pas di video review jd android nougat?
HapusSebenarnya yg benar android pie apa nougat?
BalasHapusOh ia mau tanya neh itu foto cewe yg di lock screen pas awal2 siapa ya....cantik bgt wkwkwkwk
Ih kepo
Hapuswkwkwkwk ia kepo...di versi sblumny jg ada soalny itu foto di defaultny wkwkkw
HapusPlease show me how to add face unlock
BalasHapusChange region
Hapuspas change region kan udh ada face unlock...stlh layar kondisi mati klo layar nyala kan biasany mendeteksi wajah yg sdh di masukkan....ini jd freeze trus restart sndri...apa itu bug
HapusBuat kenzo 2/16 pake rom ini buat main pubg force close nggak...
BalasHapushow to change clock to center, signal mobile, wifi to left? Thank bro!
BalasHapusUse icon arrangent in settings
HapusPlease answer ... Is there full screen gesture?
HapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusFingerprint ga fungsi
BalasHapusGimna cara ganti font jamnya gan??
BalasHapusBoleh kasih masukan mas. Kenapa di kiyi caf 8 ssnya beda sama yang uda diinstak romnya ya,, di ss jamnya gak berkedip dan terkesan langsing fontnya & presentasi btray di ss brada diluar bateray, tp ini malah didalam btray saya mhon caf 9 sama kaya caf 5
BalasHapusKenapa saya instal Rom yang v8 ini sinyal wifi saya jadi lemah padahal dari Rom yang sebelum nya ga pernah ngalamin kaya gini, tolong fix sinyal Wifi nya, btw ane pake kenzo 3/32