Miui-Caf v.2.0_9.6.2 Redmi Note 3 Pro

Assalamu alaikumwr wb


-Added New Font, Icon & Logos.
-Added New Bootanimations & Lock Wallpaper.
-The Same Features As in The Previous Version & Same Sme Shitt Too.
-Include Indonesian Languages.
-Gapps Include with Webviewgoogle.
-Marged Juny Security patches. :v
-Fixed Keyboard Does Not Appear in Some Users.
-Fixed Blank when login google account in Some Users.
-Fixed Crash & FC when opening some apps or games.
-Fixed Translation & Fonts Charakter in Some Languages.
-Support Kenzo & Kate Devices.
-Default Xceed Kernel.

Link Rom

How to flash.
-Wipe system, dalvik/cache, data, cust/vendor.
-Install rom
-If u from aosp/los base, recommended flash lazy flasher.
-Reboot to system.
-Enjoy This Rom.

-You can dirty flash from the previous ROM, (Recommended Clean Flash).
-If U like Use it, If Not Leave it.
-Don't PM dev For any Reason.

If need only, if not ignore it
Flash vi Twrp

Patch Volte icon
Stock Camera
Clock Calender Sound Recorder




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