Assalamu 'alaikum wr wb MiuiPro Evolution Build date :25/11/18 By : Gerimis Feat Miui Kenzo ID Team ROM Info: -Adding New Interface In About Phone. -Adding New BP. -Adding New Teleservice. -Adding New Kernels Support DT2W & Spectrum. -Adding New Setting Wizard. -New Interface in Chrome. -Now On Setting Wizard You Can Choose Your Region. -System Webview Default To Chrome. -75% Global base, 10 CN, 15 Miuipro. -Remove Beauty Wallpapers. -Include Some Sh**ttt on this ROMs. -Updated some apps. -Support Kenzo & Kate Devices -Include Indonesian Languanges. Special Thanks to: Allah SWT Mank Abo Mr. Jopra Vickry BadjinganGuy Khusnan Pzqqt for the kernel i use Notes : -Clean Flash (Dalvik-chace, System, Data, Cust/Vendor). -If you want Face Unlock Available, Please flash Face Unlock Enabler. Wipe cust recommended.!! -Install ROM => Reboot, after reaching the Homescreen, DON'T DO ANYTHING!! REBOOT TO RECOVERY AGAIN ...
Ini marsmellow ya gan ,,,,?
HapusKapan yang oreo ,,,,,, hehehehe
BalasHapusbisa pasang xposed ga om, soalnya yang miui pro nought bisa, mau jajal takutnya mm mah gak support om