Miuipro Evolution 8.12.23 Nougat Redmi Note 3 Pro
Assalamu alaikum wr wb
Allah SWT
Mang abo (Adding some features on this rom)
Teguh Mahesa P (Fix reading mode)
Sego Pecel
Helmi Amirudin
Badroen Solo
M. Taupik
Mr. Jopra
Eka Ntu21
Baby Shark
Angga Petewele (BadjinganGuy)
Mon's S
MIUI Kenzo ID Team
MiFans Indonesia & India
Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro Users
Miui Weather
Patch After flash Agni Kernel.
Fix colors status bar
Thnks for nothing.
ROM info:
-Base on Miuirpo 8.12.6 Helium.
-Use original stockUI.
-New interface on recent app.
-New Notification Style in settings. (Android & Miui)
-New intetface in Setting Wizard.
-New features added on Home Screen & Recents.
-Added New theme fr me & Krishankant
-Added Font style fr havoc.
-Added Beauty Wallpapers.
-Feature Same As The Previous Version. (Fullscreen Display, Rounded Display ,Etc).
-No Include Indonesian Languages. (Soon will be injected by Mang Jopra 😂)
-Regions default IN.
-Replacing stock themes.
-Removing Updater.
-Removing Face Unlock.
-Use stock weather
-Using Agni Kernel.
-Updating Some Applications.
-Support Kenzo & Kate Devices.
-Use original stockUI.
-New interface on recent app.
-New Notification Style in settings. (Android & Miui)
-New intetface in Setting Wizard.
-New features added on Home Screen & Recents.
-Added New theme fr me & Krishankant
-Added Font style fr havoc.
-Added Beauty Wallpapers.
-Feature Same As The Previous Version. (Fullscreen Display, Rounded Display ,Etc).
-No Include Indonesian Languages. (Soon will be injected by Mang Jopra 😂)
-Regions default IN.
-Replacing stock themes.
-Removing Updater.
-Removing Face Unlock.
-Use stock weather
-Using Agni Kernel.
-Updating Some Applications.
-Support Kenzo & Kate Devices.
Other features added fr Mank Abo.
-Interface in settings.
-Custom Status bar (Icon status bar, device info, blur effect at statusbar, etc)
-Custom Display & Recents (Shake gesture, Enable & desable Swipe up to show google search, Edge effect, etc)
-Interface in settings.
-Custom Status bar (Icon status bar, device info, blur effect at statusbar, etc)
-Custom Display & Recents (Shake gesture, Enable & desable Swipe up to show google search, Edge effect, etc)
Special Thanks to:
Allah SWT
Mang abo (Adding some features on this rom)
Teguh Mahesa P (Fix reading mode)
Sego Pecel
Helmi Amirudin
Badroen Solo
M. Taupik
Mr. Jopra
Eka Ntu21
Baby Shark
Angga Petewele (BadjinganGuy)
Mon's S
MIUI Kenzo ID Team
MiFans Indonesia & India
Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro Users
Notes :
-Clean Flash (Dalvik-chace, System, Data, Cust/Vendor).
-Egde effect automatically enable on this rom, so if u wan't it you need desable it in settings.
-Fangerprint always work, IF YOU DONT TRY UNLOCK MANUALLY. Ex: Via pettern or something else, so if you wan unlock it, you just use with your finger. Just it. If you get trouble you just need reboot your device & enable Unlock after reboot in Settings-Lockscreen & password - Manage Fingerprint.
-If U like Use it, If Not Leave it.
-Don't PM dev For any Reason.
-Clean Flash (Dalvik-chace, System, Data, Cust/Vendor).
-Egde effect automatically enable on this rom, so if u wan't it you need desable it in settings.
-Fangerprint always work, IF YOU DONT TRY UNLOCK MANUALLY. Ex: Via pettern or something else, so if you wan unlock it, you just use with your finger. Just it. If you get trouble you just need reboot your device & enable Unlock after reboot in Settings-Lockscreen & password - Manage Fingerprint.
-If U like Use it, If Not Leave it.
-Don't PM dev For any Reason.
If needed:
Miui Weather
Patch After flash Agni Kernel.
Fix colors status bar
Thnks for nothing.
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