HTC M8 For Nexian Helios Mi531
Sebelumnya assalamu 'alaikum wr wb
Pada kesempatan x ini ane mau share custom rom buat user nexian helios khusus yg sudah kitkat, sbenerY buat jb bisa, tapi akan ngblur saat setiap x booting / layar pertama x idup... so ane saranin upgrade kk dl, g bayar kog.. hehehe
Apa aja fiturnya??
This modified ROM aosp bring features:
-Aosp kitkat original features
-Dual 3G auto switch
-Masih odex, emg dr sononya msh odex
-New UI & Framework
-Smooth and fast Scrolling
-Mboh arep tak isi opo :-D
-Google L Keyboard
With Material
-Rooted with kinguser
-Some App HTC
-Network /Data Speed
-HTC sense 6 Launcher
-HTC Bootanimation and Logo
-Change in System UI background
BugY kyakY ada di weather, tapi apus aja g mslah, di folder-system-priv-app
Ni yg mau make settings.apk ori HTC
Flash via cwm, tapi masangY stlh masuk homescreen dl, biar setwizard g fc,.jgn lgsung diflash.
Special Thank : ALLAH SWT
Nabi muhammad SAW
Unofficial Nexian Helios Mi531
Mamakku terkasih yg ada dikampung
Mbk pacar seng marakke padu wae
Dan ane sendiri dg segala kepedihan idup ane
Matur suwun
Pada kesempatan x ini ane mau share custom rom buat user nexian helios khusus yg sudah kitkat, sbenerY buat jb bisa, tapi akan ngblur saat setiap x booting / layar pertama x idup... so ane saranin upgrade kk dl, g bayar kog.. hehehe
Apa aja fiturnya??
This modified ROM aosp bring features:
-Aosp kitkat original features
-Dual 3G auto switch
-Masih odex, emg dr sononya msh odex
-New UI & Framework
-Smooth and fast Scrolling
-Mboh arep tak isi opo :-D
-Google L Keyboard
With Material
-Rooted with kinguser
-Some App HTC
-Network /Data Speed
-HTC sense 6 Launcher
-HTC Bootanimation and Logo
-Change in System UI background
BugY kyakY ada di weather, tapi apus aja g mslah, di folder-system-priv-app
Ni yg mau make settings.apk ori HTC
Flash via cwm, tapi masangY stlh masuk homescreen dl, biar setwizard g fc,.jgn lgsung diflash.
Special Thank : ALLAH SWT
Nabi muhammad SAW
Unofficial Nexian Helios Mi531
Mamakku terkasih yg ada dikampung
Mbk pacar seng marakke padu wae
Dan ane sendiri dg segala kepedihan idup ane
Matur suwun
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